Tag Archives: rojava

Remembering radical civil society in Syria

With the Assad regime and the Islamist rebels currently laying siege to one another in the major city of Aleppo, its worth looking back at the beginnings of the civil war, and remembering the radical roots of what once looked like a genuine revolution.

Consider the influence of the Damascus-born anarchist Omar Aziz, whose ideas of “local self-governance, horizontal organization, cooperation, solidarity and mutual aid” contributed heavily to the creation of a sprawling network of locally-based organizations — the Local Coordination Committees — that created a system of dual power that reorganized political, economic, and social life outside of the regime’s authoritarian neoliberal boundaries.

In stark contrast to liberal and Islamist elites in exile, the LCC resisted calls in late 2011 to militarize the unrest or to advocate for foreign military intervention, arguing that such turns would undermine the democratic and popular nature of the revolution.  They were, of course, correct.

But given their lack of friends outside of Syria (the West conveniently upheld the pro-intervention exile lobby as the true voice of “the Syrian people”), the descent into a violent sectarian civil war fueled by regional and international geopolitics was perhaps inevitable.  What could have been done about Saudi Arabia and Qatar’s intense desire to pour billions of dollars into Salafi-jihadist paramilitary groups loyal to them, absent a significant leftist anti-imperialist movement in those countries that could resist such turns?  And the same goes for US cooperation with the efforts and desires of the Gulf States.

Radical civil society was the spine of the uprisings in 2011; but the lack of strong leftist anti-imperialist movements in the US and the Gulf arguably meant that they were doomed from the start, as there were no obstacles to the inevitable efforts by regional and global powers to exploit the chaos for their own benefits.  Those of us who live in these areas need to be ruthlessly self-critical about the consequences of our failures in this regard.

The only seeming bright spot is Rojava, which seems to be continuing its radical projects — but this is largely because of the temporary alliance of convenience between the military forces of Rojava and the US military in their fight against Islamic State.  It remains to be seen how this alliance will affect the politics and future of libertarian municipalism in the region.

Tuesday Interesting Links

  • Summary of a study published last year on the motivation of people fighting for Islamist groups in Syria; its less about religion than one might think
  • Malcolm Harris writes, via a book review, on the history and future potential of cooperation between anarchists and Marxists

Interesting Links (On Syria)

  • Dismal reflections on Salafi-jihadism, Turkish fascism, and the lack of international left solidarity
  • An article from April 2015 anticipating tensions between Kurds and Arabs in the Syrian town of Tel Abyad after a successful YPG offensive; meanwhile, Turkey has started bombing YPG positions in the city to contain their forces east of the Euphrates River
  • Interview with the co-presidents of the Cezire canton of Rojava–an Arab sheik and a Kurdish ex-guerrilla

Monday Interesting Links

  • Feature article on the 128 families funding the US election, via New York Times (warning: trippy graphic at the beginning)
  • A wealthy and powerful banker from Honduras just got indicted by the US Treasury Department for drug trafficking

Sunday Interesting Links

  • Meet the Americans who are not at all having a good time fighting against ISIS alongside Kurdish socialists

Tuesday Interesting Links

Wednesday Interesting Links (On Kurdistan)

  • In-depth article from The Atlantic on the renewed Kurdish insurgency in Turkey

Wednesday Interesting Links

  • Two new pieces via Jacobin Magazine on contemporary revolutionary leftist movements: one piece on the insurgency in the Philippines and critical of the New People’s Army/Communist Party of the Philippines, and one piece critical of the peace deal between the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the Colombian government
  • A review of a new book, “A Theory of the Drone”

Thursday Interesting Links

Monday Interesting Links

  • Blaise Compaore, the former president of Burkina Faso, has been indited for treason; this is the same guy that lead the coup that overthrew the Marxist government of Thomas Sankara in late 1987